การประชุมใหญ่สมาคมโรคติดเชื้อในเด็กแห่งประเทศไทย สำเร็จลุล่วงไปได้อย่างดียิ่ง ด้วยความร่วมมือร่วมใจจากหลายฝ่าย ในนามของคณะกรรมการจัดการประชุมและกรรมการบริหารสมาคมโรคติดเชื้อในเด็กแห่งประเทศไทยขอขอบพระคุณทุกท่านเป็นอย่างสูงมา ณ ที่นี้ หลังจากการประชุมเสร็จสิ้นลง ได้มีผู้แสดงความยินดีมายังคณะกรรมการจัดการประชุมมากมาย จึงได้นำเสนอส่วนหนึ่ง ดังนี้
Dr. Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele
Director, Immunizaiton, Vaccines and Biological Department Family andWomen’s Health cluster WHO/Geneva
"It was a great pleasure meeting you in Pattaya. I thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity to participate and contribute to your excellent workshop. I look forward to working with you and your colleagues to further health issues in the region."
Prof. Tikki Pang (Pangestu)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
"Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of PIDST, keep up the excellent work and thank you for the kind hospitality during my visit to Pattaya."
Prof. Zulkifli Ismail
President, Asia Pacific Pediatric Association
"Thank you for involving us in the 20th anniversary celebrations. Congratulations for 20 years of excellent leadership on paediatric infectious disease research, prevention and treatment, and also for the successful organisation of the conference in Pattaya."
Dr. Kok Chin Leong
President, ASEAN Pediatric Federation
"Congratulations to your 20th anniversary I can see the Society has grown from strength to strength. Keep up the good work in your country and the region."
Prof. Sri Rezeki H Hadinegoro
Past President, Asian Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases
"Congratulations to this very fond evens. I appreciated for this good workshop, it’s very useful for all ASEAN members especially for Pediatric Society. Hope that we can maintain our relation and network."
Dr. Hartono Gunardi
Deputy to the President of Indonesian Pediatric Society
"On behalf of Indonesian Pediatrics Society. We congratulate you on most successful 20 years of influential existence and serving in Thailand. Wish you more success in the future. We hope we can work together to improve child health through better immunization in our region. Thank you for your kindest hospitality during the workshop. I would like to thank you for your invitation to speak at 20th Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand, for the hospitality of organizing committee and for the nice picture of all delegates. I am very honored. I have learned so much by hearing what all the representatives and expert lectures. The planning and organization of the celebration was also excellent. I am truly grateful. Hopefully The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand will have more success in the future and bring healthiness to all children across the South East Asia. Thank you for your kind attention."
Dr. Yit Sunnara
President of Cambodian Pediatric Association
"Congratulations for the successful event. Thank you very much for inviting me to join this meeting. It is very fruitful for all ASEAN countries to share experiences in immunization and to work together to save the lives of our children. Thank you very much for the hard work of the organizing team."
Prof. Ye Myint Kyaw
President of Myanmar Pediatric Society
"It is my privilege to be here with PIDST on it 20th anniversary and I found it very interesting and enjoyable."
Prof. Lulu C Bravo
Executive Director, International Society of Tropical Pediatrics
"Congratulations to PIDST. There is so much to learn, share and get to know each otherduring your 20th anniversary. To Usa, our sister in Thailand, may you continue to be aleader and serve as the inspiration to our young (and not so young) doctors and ID people. More power to all of you in PIDST."
Assoc.Prof. Salvacion R. Gatchalian
President, Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines
"It was indeed my honour and pleasure to have participated and presented in this very important workshop. I am looking forward to more sharing amongst us ASEAN countries and take this opportunity to renew friendship and camaraderie."
Dr. Koh Cheng Thoon
Respresentative, Singapore Paediatric Society
"Congratulations to a long history of tireless work for the benefit of children all over. Keep up the good work." PIDST
Dr. Bandith Soumphonphakdy
PICU, Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR
"On behalf of the Lao Pediatric Association, I would like to thank you for inviting us to attend the Workshop on National Immunization Program and Vaccine Coverage in ASEAN Countries. We are grateful to have the opportunity to share some information from our immunization program and to learn from other ASEAN countries, especially from Thailand. I have shared what I have learned with my superiors and colleagues, including the workshop’s outcomes and future planning for immunization programs, as concluded by Prof. Tikki Pang. On this wonderful 20th anniversary, we would like to express our congratulations for the success of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand. Sincere thanks for the dedication of everyone in the society and the hard work to support the Lao Pediatric Association in a variety of ways. Once again thank you so much for your many kindnesses and hospitality during my time in Pattaya. I wish all you good health and prosperity."
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Nhat An
Pediatric Department, Hanoi Medical University, Infectious Diseases Clinics, National Hospital of Pediatrics
"Thank you very much for all very valuable things, which you've done to ASEAN countries' PID association and your hospitality to us."
ศ. กิตติคุณ นพ. วิศิษฎ์ สิตปรีชา
ผู้อำนวยการสถานเสาวภา สภากาชาดไทย